Well I need to type an "Update" blog terribly don't I? I've been trying desperately to at least keep pictures of the kids and current events noted, but I'm a little behind on writing about my personal life changes.
Things have really started to smooth out since the wedding. Will and I are slowly but surely getting our house together. I'm planning for a Pampered Chef party one week from tomorrow and am hoping to have my last "living area" wall decorated.
I've been spending time with my sweet kiddies as I will be loosing three of my "big boys" to school this fall. We've been enjoying the park, McDonalds, and recently the kiddie water park. They all love it so much! -Yet another reason I'm lacking in the time area!-
Riley has been to the vet! The diagnosis is Mange. Yuck! I have no idea how he got it (though we think he's had it since birth), but I'm glad he'll be feeling much better soon! He's on medication for it and should be well within two weeks of his treatment.
Now for the biggest change in my life (right now) SCHOOL. I'm starting August 18th. :D I'm very excited. Husband and I went and bought my books and the remaining necessities last Thursday. I've been skimming through and trying to decipher what may be the hardest. Haha!
I'm also beginning piano lessons this Wednesday! Pray for me that my stress will be manageable and that I'll excel in all that God has in store for us! I can see so many things that God has for our lives.
Those are all of the highlighted areas that can be placed in the "change" category for now. Oh, but don't worry, around here, there's never a dull moment! Until the next time. This is me jumping into life!