Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Emily Dickinson

I wonder what it was like to be Emily Dickinson, comprising 597 poems of the Belle of Amherst, whose life of the imagination formed the transcendental bridge to modern American poetry. Thanks dear. You are a hero to we who write. :)


ancient one said...

You probably come close to knowing how Emily Dickinson felt. I have been replaying your wedding DVD today and I am just amazed at the beautiful song you wrote about your ring. I love the way you write.!!

Anonymous said...

From what I remember from studying Emily Dickinson - she lived a secluded life and had some what of an obsession with death...and a lot of her poems dealt with death ...and didn't she commit suicide with a gas oven? or was that Sylvia Plath? Its been a while since I've studied but yea, she made her mark with her poems and such :)