Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Avery is Walking

He's doing it, Avery's walking!!!! Video later :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Few Things

-It feels like Saturday.
-I've been in a poor mood for the past two days and it hasn't let up yet :/
-I'm going to work today :)
-I've been reading about this: A current generation cell phone that fits in your pocket has 1000 times more computing power than MIT’s most advanced computer in 1965. Experts predict
that in 25 years that same computing power will fit inside a space the size of a blood cell.

Interesting, huh?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cancer and other things...

My uncle has cancer and they're not expecting him to live long. Two weeks is a stretch they say. I don't buy it. I saw him yesterday, I saw his faith and I sat there while God walked in and visited him in that place. I saw a man who had undergone chemotherapy that very morning regain strength and smile. I heard him tell God "You are my healer Lord." And in that place I felt God hug he and all of us family members surrounding him. Maybe he won't be here to see his baby granddaughter walk, or walk either of his daughters down the aisle. Maybe he won't ever leave that hospital and see his home here again. Maybe. But I have faith and believe that ("maybe, just maybe") HE WILL!

Yesterday I was able to see many things. It turns out that, while Avery and I visited Uncle David, that A hurt his arm again and we had to head down to the Emergency room to have it reset. And there in that place I thought of uncle David and I was happy to be able to sign discharge papers and be able to walk out with my baby (well) and return to our home! God has been ever with me these past few days and I am so encouraged. I hope this post shared at least a little piece of that with you today. :)