Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How does your garden grow?

Husband and I have started a garden :) We planted our garden the third week in May (we think around Wednesday)... When we came home this is what we saw!

Now just a few short weeks later... Look what we have!


Anonymous said...

*sigh* I don't have a yard to even grow a weed in...BUT - I love the game Last Word! We need to get together again soon!

ancient one said...

I'm sure you will share with April...ha ha. The garden looks healthy!!..Our plants are drawing up from the heat...but we've had some vegies...still no tomatoes.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed! This time we can whoop up on the husbands at our place of living! I'll cook - and then Last Word!!! lol

Little Penpen said...

Nice garden! With all you guys have going on in your lives, I can hardly believe you found time for a little garden too. I didn't plant a THING this year! Maybe you'll let me have a tomato!

The Babysitters Love said...

Of course you can have a tomato! Haha!