Friday, June 6, 2008

We picked a name...

Meet Riley!

Our new two week old boxer.

The boys and I made a visit today.

He was cooling by a tree :)

He has blue eyes, a brown ear, a black spot around one eye, and a brown tail :)

I love Riley. We can't wait to bring him home!


Little Penpen said...

I love the name Riley. In fact, Butterbean started out as Riley... not sure why we changed it! Your nephews are so cute; I could just eat them up! Your little puppy is adorable.

Little Penpen said...

PS... check out this blog for instructions for painting your furniture black.

ancient one said...

Those little boys are so cute... they are cuter than the puppy...LOL I know you and W. will love the puppy!

Anonymous said...

Well - Koopa just told me he is ready to play with Riley. He is excited! *grin* am I!

Sandy said...

He is so just want to squeeze him.