Today is my sister's birthday. She is celebrating the big sixteen! I can remember still, when we were younger and I played like she was my baby. There is a five year age difference between us, so we grew together in stages. While she was a baby I played with her like any little girl plays with her babydoll :) That was FUN! Except when she cried I'd give her back to mom. And during my teenage years she was into barbies and toys and I was learning about the wonderful world of make-up and hair rollers. Now she's driving and I'm getting married. I imagine when she is my age I will have children and husband and I will have more of a home than just a house and maybe she will be exploring college, or a serious boyfriend, and the employed world. Things change. I like to think for the better, most times. As children it was harder for us to bond, while we were both still learning to grow and change as life does. As adults, our children will grow together, we will look back and laugh at those times when we screamed at each other and swore that we'd not talk again, and we'll reminisce in the times when we had miniature night-before birthday celebrations waiting for the clock to strike mid-night. I love my sister. In three months, she'll no longer be the friend I walk down the hall to talk to, I'll have to pick up the phone and call. I believe our separation will only bring us closer and in time she too will marry and have a family of her own. Things change. I like to think for the better, most times. It will be strange adjusting to not having my baby sister down the hall, but I'm thankful for all of our 16 years together thus far. Happy birthday Amy!
Yes, Sisters do tend to stick together as they age. Happy Birthday to Amy!!
Happy Belated Birthday to Amy! You can always let sis move into your spare room! :o)
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