Monday, January 28, 2008


I took a small break from blogging to give everyone time to catch up. It seems when I write everyday a couple of my blogs suffer. I think it's hard to keep up with so little time and so many great blogs to read. I'm on every weekday but on the weekends I don't have as much internet time. What do you do? I could write everyday easily, but I thought I'd try to take a breather and allow time in between for every blog to be read. Anyway, that's my "thought for the day" short, sweet, and there it is.


ancient one said...

Well, don't wait too long..LOL I'd rather read than write. There are so many beautiful blogs that I like to visit. Love ya!

Little Penpen said...

I love your blog and check it daily.... so there, blog daily! ha! I tend to only blog on my days off... it's hard to find something to write about on my 12 hour work days. (plus, I'm usually on the couch as soon as I get home)